No, I Promise, It Really IS Friday. . .

I went to bed last night excited about the fact that we had no appointments and as such, no reason to set the alarm and get up early today. So imagine my surprise when at 5:40 a.m. I wake. startled to find my darlin' hubby standing by my side of the bed asking for assistance. He was up, dressed and had his hat on ready to go. I asked where he was off to and his answer told me he believed it to be Saturday morning and he has a standing breakfast "date" with some friends early on Saturdays. Ugh, Well, we set that straight but of course I was awake enough that more sleep just wasn't going to happen so here we are, not even 7 a.m. and I've already had a cuppa and scanned my facebook feed. I've been a rebel though and haven't gotten dressed yet. I don't have to, and you can't make me!!!
My Darlin'? Oh he's sound asleep in his recliner.


  1. Bless his heart. Painful as it may be I hope these moments may give you loving memories. My Mom, with her dementia, gave me so many. I had to convince her to stop charging her friends a fee to see the beautiful memories I had framed in a shadowbox for her. One of her very special nurses and I had a great laugh on that event.


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