
Showing posts from 2018

If Someone Had Told Me This is How My Life Was Going to be. . .

I don't think I would have believed them. I KNOW I wouldn't have wanted to, nor would I have ever wished for it to be this way. There have been several times I "thought" I had my path mapped out, and if I did my part toward the goals I set, however simple, I'd get there and all would be well. As my current boss says nearly every day, "That's what you get for thinking." So, here I am at nearly 56, at what is generally thought to be a time of starting down the back side of "the hill" and I have to figure out how to map out and navigate yet another new path, starting from scratch, how to be something, or someone else. . . again. There were things I was excited about experiencing at this stage of my life, that either are no longer an option, or simply aren't turning out anything even close to what I had hoped. That would be workable if I had a clue how to fix that, or even could, but I'm not sure that's possible either and it...

I Miss You as Much Today as I Did the Day God Took You Home

One year ago today, I said goodbye to my best friend, the love of my life, the person who had the power to make me laugh a full on belly laugh, cry crocodile tears or so angry I could spit nails. The person who no matter what was going on around us, or how intense the situation was, I could be completely confident had my back and even if I was wrong, would take my side, then set me straight in private if need be.  Even with all of the challenges he faced in life, he ALWAYS made me feel like I could do anything and usually would get me started on the road to getting there. I loved him and had NO DOUBT he loved me. I’ve heard time heals all wounds. I’m not sure this one will actually heal because there isn’t a day, most days an hour or even minute I don’t still think about him. If I’m watching TV and hear a creak in my old house, and even if I don’t hear it, I still look up expecting to see him taking a break on his way back from the bedroom, leaning on the kitchen island, or sitt...

Craziness Can Be Validating Too

Interesting couple of days. It has been an extremely busy week at work. I'm talking crazy making busy. Strangely, people are starting to request to deal with me when they arrive because I'm the one who answers the phone and who they've already talked to. That is kind of cool, but I'm also not licensed and cannot help them with many, if not most of the things they come to us for. This week there were multiple times that the funeral director and I were each assisting a family and we had at least one other family waiting for something. And then the phone. Good gracious that phone never seemed to stop ringing this week. Crazy making I tell you! While Friday had the same sort of pace to it, it had a couple of moments, for me, that put it into perspective and reminded me why I wanted to take on this job. We handled things for a family who's loved one passed very early Wednesday morning. They came in to make arrangements just before lunch. About 4 pm they calle...

A Day in the Life of a Funeral Director's Assistant

Mmmm REAL coffee! My weekend treat! Yesterday was just nuts. Not a bad day, a fairly good one actually, just busy and full of speed bumps and very little of what I planned to get accomplished at work actually happened. For example, I had 6 "guests" that I needed to help along their journey when I left on Thursday. I had agreed to run back over to the office in the evening because one of our guests was returning from a trip to the other side of the state and needed to be let back into the building. This guest, and one other were scheduled to leave us on Friday morning (if I agreed to do the late drop off) Plus 1 other who was actually at another location would be joining them. This drops me down to 3 guests. YAY! Wellllll, on my way to work as I'm dropping Nate off, the funeral director calls me and says, swing by Bigby and grab us some coffee? Huh? 1st of all, I didn't recognize the number so I almost didn't answer. 2ndly, he doesn't drink coffee. Uh, ok...