
Showing posts from June, 2017

"We All Have Our 'Stuff'. . .

. . . and this is mine." Something I say often when I've just answered (honestly) the question "How are you?"  I'm sure there will be more about my "stuff" in future posts. Most days I really am okay I think. I generally fly by the seat of my pants so that bit of chaos is normal for me. I've learned to operate that way since plans have a way of falling by the wayside when other people's "stuff" demands your time and attention. Today has already been tweaked. . . multiple times.  Originally, the "plan" was to spend my morning hosting in the Japanese Garden at Meijer Gardens. Nine a.m. to One p.m. was the scheduled shift. The "Air People" are scheduled to come with fresh tanks for Hunny but though they call us to let us know their approximate arrival time in the morning the day of, it's pretty much always been between three and four p.m. so no conflicts there. Whew! Nate's schedule came in saying he had to cal...

Hunny, I'm So Sorry No One Loves You Enough to Tell You, But. . .

Stilettos and a "wide belt" (micro mini pencil skirt) are NOT the best things to wear to an outdoor concert with first come, first served LAWN seating. Okay, you look fab. Well, you did until your heels became covered in clumps of grass and damp earth after sinking in up to the soles. And while that "skirt" IS kind cute, if it's not stretched so tight we can see every line, those grass stains aren't doing it, or you any favors. I know he's cute and you want him to like you. Odds are he does if he's spent the money to take you to this particular concert. These tickets aren't cheap, Honey. But there is a good chance he'd still like you if you wore something a teensy bit more practical for the location of your "date" Or, maybe he doesn't or he might have warned you about the chance that you'd be ruining your fancy heels and showing anyone further down the hill who happens to be looking back when you try to sit down all your...

Why Volunteering at Meijer Gardens is Important to Me. . .

Okay, yeah, on the face of it, it may seem selfish of me to donate my time and energy to a place that, to many, may not seem like as "worthy" a cause as others that are more political, or humanitarian. There was a time I might have agreed with that. But after having spent considerable time at 'The Gardens' my belief in the validity of the mission there grows stronger every day. Oh, most definitely there is a selfish element to it. It's fun. So many interesting things happen there and so many fascinating people visit. Then there's the fact that nearly everyone who is there WANTS to be there. Occasionally a guest will visit and you can tell they joined in under pressure from the rest of their group, but chances are just a short time after arrival they'll have changed their mind and will be enjoying themselves along with the rest of us. From time to time staff members might become a bit disillusioned. But for them it's a job and jobs have a way of doing...

No, I Promise, It Really IS Friday. . .

I went to bed last night excited about the fact that we had no appointments and as such, no reason to set the alarm and get up early today. So imagine my surprise when at 5:40 a.m. I wake. startled to find my darlin' hubby standing by my side of the bed asking for assistance. He was up, dressed and had his hat on ready to go. I asked where he was off to and his answer told me he believed it to be Saturday morning and he has a standing breakfast "date" with some friends early on Saturdays. Ugh, Well, we set that straight but of course I was awake enough that more sleep just wasn't going to happen so here we are, not even 7 a.m. and I've already had a cuppa and scanned my facebook feed. I've been a rebel though and haven't gotten dressed yet. I don't have to, and you can't make me!!! My Darlin'? Oh he's sound asleep in his recliner.

Okay, Let's Try This Again. . .

Life sure gets crazy sometimes. I thought about starting a sort of "blog" ages ago after a few friends insisted I'd be good at it. Well, apparently I'm not because I sure didn't keep at it. I always wonder, in spite of what I guess is a kind of crazy life (sometimes) what I'd ever write about that anyone might wish to actually read. It seems sort of self-serving and even vain to presume they might. So why now? Well, I'm in need of an outlet to help me process what is going on in my life and while I COULD just create a journal / diary and write in that, I have essential tremor and my handwriting is horrid. I can type though, so, here we are. My life has changed so drastically over the past few years. Mostly in a good way, but in other ways, not so much. Apparently it's changing again right now and it's shaping up to be a very intense and not so great time in my life, so I'm gearing up to handle it as best I can. In mid-May we were to...